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If you are on mobile, click the 3 lines on the top right side of the screen to see the Home, Shop, How-To, About, and Contact tab. If your on a computer/Chromebook, those tabs are at the top of the page. 


Where do I order the chick?

You will find an order form in the Contact tab (It will be labeled as "Questions" but you can order there also) or at the bottom of the Home tab. There will be a sign above it saying "Order Here". 


How do I order a chick?

You will find an order form in the Contact tab (It will be labeled as "Questions" but you can order there also) or at the bottom of the Home tab. Fill out the required information (Only the sections with a * symbol are required) and order the chick in the message section. It is asked that you add the chick's SKU number. It makes it easier for us to identify that particular chick. We will ask for a picture of your chicken coop or place where you plan to keep the chicken just to be sure the chick is going off to a safe home.


Where do I find a chick's SKU number?

Tap the Shop tab. Tap the desired chick. Once you are on the information page of the chick, the SKU number is located under the name of the chick and above the price of the chick. (Ex: SKU: 403)





Where do I pick the chick up at?

Once you order a chick and I verify the chicken's housing conditions, I will send you my address and we can schedule a day and time for pick up. If you are not comfortable coming to my house, we can plan a place to meet up. 




Where/When do I pay?

You will pay when you come to pick up the chick. No taxes.





There are no chicks available! When will you restock?

Restocking chicks could take anywhere from a week to a month. It takes 3 weeks to incubate the eggs and then I wait until the chicks are mostly feathered and can last without a heat lamp before I list them for sale. I would suggest writing us in the chatbox. We will notify you when we restock. 





General Questions

Where is the chatbox?

For mobile, you can get to the chatbox by clicking the 3 blue dots in the bottom right of the screen and then clicking "Chat". For computer/Chromebook, the chatbox is located at the bottom right of the screen.


Where do I write you if I have questions?

In the Contact tab, there is a form you can fill out for questions. I will write you back in the chatbox. 


How old will the chicks be when I order?

It all depends on when that particular chick starts molting its down feathers. It also depends on how long it takes for them to sell. They could be anywhere from 2-20 weeks of age. You can find the age of each chick in its description. (I TRY to update their age every 4 weeks)


Will the chicks need baby feed or can I feed them layer feed?

It all depends on the age of the chick. I will tell you whether or not they still need chick feed when you order. We normally transition them over to layer feed when we put them outside with the other chickens when they are around 7-10 weeks old.


Will my chick need a heat lamp?

It all depends on the age of your chick and the time of year it is. If you buy a 2-week old chick, it should be fine without a heat lamp in the summer but may need one at night depending on the low for that night (60 degrees or lower). If you buy a 4+ week old chick, it won't need a heat lamp in the summer. You need a heat lamp until they are fully feathered in the winter.






My Mom's Contact Info:

Carol Snow

(352) 551-3581

(My mom never checks her emails)


My Contact Info:

Emily Snow

(352) 531-5477




August-May/June: School

Mon-Fri:   5:00am-8:00pm

Saturday:   10:00am-8:00pm

Sunday:      1:00pm-8:00pm


May/June-July: Summer

Mon-Sat:   10:00am-8:00pm

Sunday:       1:00pm-8:00pm





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